An Example of the Zig Zag

Jan. 25, 2024, 7 p.m.

Previously on this blog, I wrote about how many people in technology are just adrift in the sea of nonsense, and are hoping nobody else notices. One strategy I mentioned that people use to avoid that is the Zig Zag. I used a made up example in that post.

Here’s a real example of a Zig Zag that came in to my Inbox, unsolicited:

Hello All,

We need to be asking, “ Does DevOps use cases to optimize need Gen AI’s unique capabilities?” otherwise, we might be chasing hype instead of results. I believe it makes sense to implement some use cases.


The email came with an attachment of a diagram which seems to be taken from a Gartner report. I’ve redacted the name in the signature, to protect the guilty.

The money is supposed to run out tomorrow.