Changes and Logs

March 9, 2024, 10:33 a.m.

I’ve decided to publish the changelog for Starbase Zebra. Just because. I maintain changelogs for my side projects, even if they are private. I find that none of my personal side projects are one-man efforts, because present me and future me are effectively two different men, until future me remembers what past me is thinking.

The dungeon generator I’ve been working on is almost in an MVP state. Unfortunately, I don’t like it much, because the algorithm that I’m implementing is tedious; it’s from Appendix A of the D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master’s Guide. The intent was for a human to go through the steps and adjust ambiguities or oddness that pops up on the fly, e.g. because they’re working with paper and a pencil.

There are better algorithms for artificial generation. At least I can imagine them. I found a link (lost it now, but I’ll try to dig it up later) that described one by dicing up the map, placing random chambers in those sectors, and then creating tunnels between chambers.

Still, I’m going to put it on ice for at least a week, maybe a few more. I started fooling around with Twine and I kinda feel like dusting off an old idea I had for “a work of interactive fiction,” as people are apparently supposed to call them these days (I would called it a text adventure). So I think I’m going to explore that for a bit.