Blog Feeds

RSS 2.01 and Atom 1.0

The Starbase Zebra blog currently provides feeds in both RSS 2.01 and Atom 1.0 format. It does both because implementing both of them was really easy, and because Joe doesn't have a strong opinion about which standard is better (even though the answer probably is Atom).

Starbase Zebra is served from a machine with very few resources, so we kindly request that you not automatically update the feed you subscribe to more than once per day. Joe only writes once every two days right now anyway, so it's not like you're missing anything.

The canonical feed urls are:

The URLs are provided here without links, because the click-a-link-and-get-a-bucket-of-XML-shot-straight-into-your-throat convention is a usability anti-pattern that we find pretty annoying. Yes, browsers should handle that better. No, they aren't going to. So there.

Joe reserves the right to deprecate either feed in favor of the other at any point in the future if he ever actually has readers. Joe also reserves the right to employ server side caching or rate-limiting to the feeds at any point in the future. Joe also reserves every right he has, including those he does not exercise and those not recognized by the law of whatever country you are reading Starbase Zebra from.