The Future of Routine Patrol

Aug. 18, 2024, 5:53 a.m.

I wrote a devlog on itch describing what I’m going to do with Routine Patrol.

Here is what I’m going to do with Starbase Zebra in relation to that:

  1. I already created a flat page here with the widget for the game. I tried to embed the game directly, but that didn’t work well thanks to Godot web exports requiring ShareArrayBuffer headers that are not currently served here.

  2. I’m going to deploy a playable build of Routine Patrol 0.2 on Starbase Zebra directly. I’ll have to create a Django app to handle the SharedArrayBuffer thing. I might do other things also, since I can imagine a sort of web game deployment utility. I have at least one other game in mind for deployment, and I can imagine a few others.

  3. I will probably restructure the front page to prominently feature said games. I’m thinking of a dropdown menu and probably one of these box things at minimum. I’ll probably change the layout of the boxes. The “Dungeon Tools” box will likely be repurposed into a generic “Coming Soon” box.

All of that assumes I can get out of this project management Coursera nonsense. Which is something I should write a rant about in the future.