Why am I on a troubleshooting call?

Feb. 12, 2024, 6:23 p.m.

I’m stuck on a troubleshooting call.
Why am I on a troubleshooting call?

Why am I on a troubleshooting call? Because the customer asked for it, because even though it is not a production problem, the problem costs hundreds or thousands of dollars per day until it’s fixed.

Why am I on a troubshooting call? I think, therefore I am. I am who I am. Tell them I AM sent you.

Why am I on a troubleshooting call? Because the person who would ordinarily take it isn’t available.

Why am I on a troubleshooting call? Because that’s the preposition you use when you are on the phone. Or Microsoft Teams.

Why am I on a troubleshooting call? One crisis, one troubleshooting call. No exceptions.

Why am I on a troubleshooting call? Because there’s trouble to shoot.

Why am I on a troubleshooting call? A call is better than a troubleshooting visit. A call is also better than a Play-By-E-Mail match of what did you do to break it that you are lying about?

Welcome back from vacation, Joe.