Your Browser Is No Longer Supported

Feb. 8, 2024, 11:29 p.m.

I occasionally browse the web with an iPad Air that is about 10 years old. This is increasingly becoming a frustrating, non-functional experience.

The most recent outrage is this message, which I seem to get on any website made by someone who isn’t actually a professional:

Your Browser Is No Longer Supported
To view this website and enjoy a better online experience, update your browser for free.

Eat my ass for free.

What the fuck do you care that I’m browsing the web on an unsupported browser? All I want to do is read your menu that you have on there as a PDF anyway. Just serve me your shitty Javascript ridden pile of shit with its stupid link to your PDF and let my ancient version of WebKit choke on it. Or whatever.

This whole “this website is best viewed in Netscape Navigator 3.0” shit is something we were supposed to stop doing in the 90’s.

Everyone should understand that, in the general case, progressive enhancement is better than graceful degradation, and graceful degradation is better than shitting on everyone who isn’t using your exact desired browser. Everyone should also understand that they are in the general case by default until proven otherwise.

This is an example of the general level of defectiveness that is “modern” “front-end” “web” “development.”